Sunday, March 2, 2008

Portraits from Life

From the appearances of the cover I half expected the work itself to be in color and when i started to read I realized that the amount of detailing in each frame would have been overshadowed by the incorporation of color.  The text on the other-hand could use some enhancement. It is often to small for my liking and the chunks are to long to keep my attention. Another aspect of the work that is slightly disconcerting is the fact that there are no page numbers. I do not use a book mark or fold pages often so i just like to remember page numbers, quite a predicament no? Haha, i know its not that big of an issue but it is hard to refer back to a page in blog or after reading. I cannot wait to see how we handle this in class.  
Overall though I have enjoyed the first few stories and will look forward to the discussion in class. 

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