Sunday, March 23, 2008

Mini Comic

So.. I hope everyone had a good spring break! I found myself studying a ton and working even more. I did find time though to finish up with the mini comic project. I found it to be very enlightening because I really never realized how much work went into the process and development of one. I thought proofreading an essay or manifesto :) was hard but working with both the artistic aspect of the comic and the wording of the comic was very tasking. If a concept changed in an picture, the text had to be altered and if a text edit was made possible artistic changes were made. The dialectic relationship between the art and the text always amazed me when reading a work, but I never really thought what it took to produce that workable and readable relationship. We only made a 11 page comic, i cant imagine having to edit and proofread a 100-200 page graphic novel.  Moreover the clarity of the text and images had to be managed because of the media type ( photocopy) we are using. This also posed a few complications. Overall I think it was a good learning experience but a pain over spring break.
Can't wait to see everyones! 

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