Friday, March 7, 2008

Stuck Rubber Baby

So, my blogging has been sporadic as of late because my life has been. I have had a lot going on but I am getting head start on Stuck Rubber Baby. I read the first three chapters last night and absolutely loved them. I was disappointed in the last book because it was supposedly "historical", but to me it was more biographical- focusing on little known people.  Stuck Rubber Baby on the other hand incorporates important historical mile stones in an individualistic manner that is highly appealing to me. I remember the first time i read the story of Emit Till and saw the photographs. The open casket photos are extremely striking and I can see how as a young child it could be life altering. 

After Reading Through Chapter eleven I have come to greatly appreciate the intricacies of the framing in the work. The incorporation of the past and present scenes require a distinct talent that is very subtle in the work. I enjoy it greatly for it is seamless. One thing I found strange though about the artistry, and rather detracting was the way faces were drawn. Very round with large chins, it is very distinct, unlike what we have seen before, but still distracting from the characterizations because the faces start to blend after a while. 


Another thing I found interesting was to see what it was like to be raised in a racist/segregated world from the perception of a young white male. Often times you read and see cultural works specific to the African American struggle of the time, but this is unique, at least to my reading credentials. As well I enjoy the idea of a unique coming of age story with many facets. Blankets was more focused on Cragis social world, Stuck Rubber Baby focuses on the individual life but includes and encompasses the conflict of the world at large and discusses its affects on the individual. 

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