Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mini Comics

We looked at a few groups Mini comics today! I loved them all. The art and creativity that went into each one was impressive. I think overall it was a great project and I throughly enjoyed the results. Each incorporated an individual flare to the comic production just as the novels we are reading have their own artistic nuances( even if they are by the same authors). Each comic was well put together and emphasized the importance of cooperation and collaboration to the development of comics. Moreover the morals that each presented were creative and unique i think that requiring that "ah ha!" moment in the assignment was insightful because it made us as creators think outside the box more. 
I enjoyed the constructive critizim of our groups work and everyone else's, I think the class is respectful while remanning opinionated. I look forward to sharing more works in the class. 

I can't wait to see the rest of the grooups works! 

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