Sunday, February 10, 2008

Watchmen - reflexivity

In this blog, I have taken the liberty of expanding my horizons but today I think I shall fall back into old routines, old but still effective ( they would not be teaching us the skills if it didn't have some validity).  Working on the Wiki and within this Blog has provided me insight into the world of literary analysis where personal expression is no longer a negativism. 

As an English major I find my self analyzing text so often that the words begin to lose meaning at some point and turn into symbols on a page, art with out meaning. However running through the motions on a literary work of art simply does not do it justice. So as a break I find my self analyzing the abstract images and combination of images and text in the Graphic novel(s) we have read here in this blog, however now we are reading a book where the written word takes center stage in several ways. Blankets focused on Craig's art where as Watchmen focuses on 1. Rorshachs personal diary and 2. at the end of each chapter "Under the Hood" by Hollis- two forms of personal expression through literature with in a *Graphic*  novel. For me this incorporation of text was surprising at first as I read on through the book, however it became more clear to me why not only is the text appealing and interesting but an integral part of the work's implicit message. 

1 comment:

Matt Knicl said...

I felt differently about the text parts - it felt sort of like filler. Interesting but not essential.