Sunday, February 17, 2008

V- for Vendetta

Yes, we have all seen the movie. For me I didn't know that the movie was based on a comic book and if I had I probably would have been upset for the changes they made to allow the movie to be more "kosher", but since I saw the movie first and now have began to read the comic I find the subtle changes to be appropriate, especially for the success of the movie. Overall though i think so far in the comic the movie captured the feeling and movement, unlike most book to movie adaptations. 
Moreover I really enjoy the artistry of the comic. Its a nice blend of the Blankets style and that of Watchmen. I find it easier to read and more enjoyable than Watchmen because often the detail distracted me from the plot and development. Where as Blankets I flew through but believe I lost something in that quick reading. V For Vendetta is a blend of the two that draws me into the plot and allows for a clear connection between the art and text that functions well.
For example on pages 26-27 the description of the past and present was very fluid yet clear, in Watchmen this flashback might have been slightly more disoriented. 
Overall though I am excited to get on to the next two books. 

 One other thing I do have to say is that the priest looks like Muloc from Watchmen. The same sunken look that gives off an air of sinister death. I

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