Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Blankets 2

Within  chapters 2-5 we meet Raina and her whole family. This opens an interesting dynamic in the book, for as readers we get a full description of her family where as we only sub-textually receive information about the true inner-workings of Craig's family. We encounter  mother/father issues, sibling relations, and many other relationships.  This I found very interesting because the narrator focuses more on the family of his friends  then his own which shows even on reflection he still feels separated from his own family. 

When thinking about the work as a whole i was wondering how the work would present itself if it had been published in color. I found a few comparative pictures online and have posted them here.
I find that the characters are some what lost in the color, although they are the focal point in both images, the black and white frame is more striking . While both pictures have a distracting backdrop the characters in the black and white frame are more intense and central because of the ambiguity of every-other shape. The color gives definition to the other objects in the frame thus distracting away from the central focus. The blanket which is also a central theme in each frame is more important in the black and white frame because it contrasts to the bodies where as the blanket in the color picture us more pushed aside even though it is more defined. 

well more to come later! 

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